choice and independence for a brighter future
Care, choice and independence for a brighter future
01952 463301
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What we do

La Petite Concierge aims to provide assistance for people living in their own homes offering support to maintain their independence, at times convenient to them, in ways that they find most beneficial. We have sound principles in the way we run our services, we believe that the rights of the Service Users are paramount.

La Petite Concierge Limited has an excellent team of skilled professional support staff. We offer a comprehensive range of different services, tailored to each persons individual needs. In order to provide the individual with a care service that matches their requirements exactly, LPC will visit and carry out a full assessment of the individuals' circumstances and needs. Following this visit, we will be able to provide you with a fully costed care package. Shown below are some of the many services we provide.

Personal Care

Your Support Worker is able to undertake personal care necessities, helping you to get up in the morning, washing, bathing, dressing, toileting, bed making, helping you to bed at night, administering medication, continence care and many other daily activities with which you may require assistance and support. All at a time to suit the individual. Maintaining dignity is of great importance to us, which is why our care workers will ensure the individual will feel comfortable at all times.

Our staff can also prompt you to take any medication that has been prescribed to you by your doctor, subject to certain limitations which will be explained to you.

When faced with illness or immobility, it can be a struggle to carry out everyday activities that an individual may have once performed with ease. Our personal care service is designed to support the person with their day-to-day living, as well as providing the encouragement and emotional support that the individual needs to remain living independently.
  • Bathing - Our care workers are able to fully support service users with bathing requirements. They can assist with getting in and out of the bath or shower safely, as well helping wash and dry hair and body. If the service user is able to bathe independently, the care worker can sit with them and offer support, giving them extra peace of mind.
  • Dressing - For many individuals, simple tasks can become problematic. If a service user needs help getting dressed and undressed, fastening buttons or tying laces, our care workers can provide support to make the whole process easier.
  • Bed Routine - Our care workers are able to assist with getting in and out of bed, at a time which suits the service users own routine.
  • Continence - We are able to support both urinary and faecal continence while preserving dignity at all times. Our care workers will assist the service user in getting to and from the toilet and where required will monitor personal hygiene in order to ensure health and comfort. This can include changing catheter and stoma bags, incontinence pads and sheets, as well as help with bathing and changing clothing.
  • Meal Times - LPC can support with all aspects of meal times. This can include assisting with the weekly shop, helping with preparation of meals and managing the food in the service users home.
  • Household Tasks - Our care workers can assist with light household duties as part of our personal care service and will help with tasks such as laundry, vacuuming and washing up. If preferred, our care workers can just be on hand to offer support should the individual wish to complete the tasks themselves, thereby maintaining their independence.
  • Medication Assistance - Sometimes an individual may forget to take their prescribed medication or may struggle to take it the correct way, either which can have serious implications on their health. Our care workers can alleviate this worry by prompting or administering the medication correctly and thus ensuring the right dosage is given at the right time

Preparation of Meals and Snacks

Your Support Worker can prepare your breakfast, mid-day meal, evening meal or supper and any other snacks and drinks that you may require during the day. The Support Worker will also be able to sit with you while you have your meal for conversation or companionship.

Personal Activities

Your Support Worker can help with personal activities such as preparing shopping lists/doing the shopping, helping you to manage personal affairs such as birthdays and other anniversaries and with your permission can collect your pension and prescriptions. We can also sit with you and keep you company, go with you on walks, accompany you to appointments and on trips out. Your exact needs will have been identified as part of your Care Plan development.

Domestic and Household Services

Your Support Worker will be willing to undertake light domestic duties such as vacuuming, dusting, general cleaning, washing up and personal laundry, subject to certain restrictions which will be discussed with you when your Care Plan is drawn up.

Specialised Care

Some of our Support Worker are trained to deliver specialised care services to support the needs of service users. Specialised services may include the administration of certain medication, the use of hoists, maintaining a catheter, coping with dementia and many other services specific to your needs. We can also provide more intensive care aimed at managing peoples symptoms rather than curing them. Specialised requirements will be identified when developing your Care Plan.


We can provide help and support when you come out of hospital or are recovering from illness, even overnight.

Care at Night (Sleep Night)

We can provide you with a service that ensures you are not left alone during the night. We do ask that a bed is provided for the social care worker, who will expect to be able to sleep at your home. This service can be combined with other visits throughout the day should you require them.


La Petite Concierge Limited will always provide its Support Worker with the necessary equipment that may be required to enable them to carry out certain tasks. Depending on the care that you are receiving, it may also be necessary for you to provide your Support Worker with equipment so that they can work safely and efficiently. We can help you to identify, locate and buy this equipment.


LPC can offer companionship services to those individuals who may be in need of social support and friendship. This helps promote their feelings of self worth and aids in their independence. Some examples of the support we can provide are:
  • Help plan and undertake outings and trips
  • Visit friends and family
  • Reminiscing and chats about the past
  • Shopping - and/or monitor diet and nutrition
  • Escort to appointments
  • Buy newspapers and books
  • Pay bills
  • Help with reading
  • Conversation and companionship
  • Letter writing
  • Form filling

Home Help

LPC can assist with the following:
  • Collect prescriptions
  • Dusting and vacuuming
  • Help with washing and ironing
  • Make beds and changing bed linen
  • Meal preparation
  • Help with general shopping

Respite Care

LPC can offer respite support for family members looking for a holiday or break.

Dementia Care

LPC has considerable experience of caring for people with dementia in a domiciliary care setting. We are investing in training and developing the skills of our care workers to deal with service users who have the condition and to assist families in understanding and supporting their loved ones.

7C's Telephone Welfare Service (NEW)

Our New Bespoke Telephone Welfare Service to enable you to live at Home for longer. More detail may be found HERE

Community Activity

By Tradition, a domiciliary care setting and its Service Users can be shut off from their surrounding community, (unless family get involved). Generally, services such as meals, hairdressers, the doctor and so on come to the Service Users house. This has the effect of reducing the need to reach out to the wider community. And yet, creating better links with organisations and services within the local community provides many benefits for our service Users.

These include:
  • greater visibility of the business in the wider community, this can help the general populous, to feel more positive toward the services we provide.
  • Social stimulation
  • Helps our Service User maintain existing interests, contacts and it also gives them the ability to make new
  • Meet new people, become involved in different ideas and experiences
We like to be a little different, we like to encourage and promote positive choices and give our Service User the opportunity to access the local community and to get involved.
If you know something about a persons background and life story, it will be important to develop specific community contacts that are relevant to that individual.

We also like to be proactive and connect with people and organisations in our local community who add fun and diversity ways to an event we try to get involved in and have fun.

How we deliver care

Initial Referral: When you first realised that you needed care you may have approached La Petite Concierge Limited directly. Alternatively, you may have been referred to us by Social Services, who may have accepted at least some of the financial responsibility for the cost of your care.

In either case, information about you which is passed to us will be dealt with sensitively and in confidence. Before providing any services, we will need to talk to you with your family member, carer or advocate (if applicable). At the very beginning we need to ensure that the services we provide are going to be suitable for you and we can only achieve this by doing a thorough assessment.

Assessing the Needs for an individual: If a Service User is referred to us by Social Services, they will have carried out an assessment of your needs, a summary of this information, usually called a Needs Assessment, will have been passed to us.

If you have approached us directly, we will have to carry out an assessment. To do this we will need to ask you some questions and may have to gain information from your doctor or any other person who may know of your needs. The assessment will be carried out by the Management Team.

We hope that you do not find this process too intrusive. We need to build up a full picture, we will do this as quickly and tactfully as possible. Remember all this information will be treated in the strictest confidence. Our aim is always to make sure that we fully understand your needs and preferences so that we can respond in a way that really suits you.

Assessing the Risks: If you decide that you require care, it will of course carry some risk. One of our Support Workers are unlikely to be with you all of the time, so therefore you will not receive the same level of care that you would get in a residential home. However, it will mean that you retain your independence and stay in your own home for as long as possible. We want to ensure that the risks taken are not unreasonable or unnecessary. So, with you, family members or advocates, we will carry out a thorough Risk Assessment. If it seems appropriate, we will make suggestions on how to minimise any unnecessary risks.

Care Plan: Having assessed your needs and the risks in your environment we will prepare a plan of your care needs. This is called a Care Plan. It will identify the services we will provide, the tasks to be performed and how we plan to achieve the objectives that are set out.

Reassessing the Needs and Reviewing the Care: Of course, over time your needs may change. You may require more or less care; the type or pattern of service may have to be varied and new risks may become apparent. So, again with your help, we will keep your needs under review and take decisions about the care we deliver accordingly. If at any time there are aspects of our care delivery which you would like to change, just let us know.

Visiting at your Home: When our staff are working in your home, they will wear a uniform. They will carry an identification badge; this incorporates a photograph so that they are easily identifiable. Whenever we are entrusted with the keys to your home, for instance using a key safe, staff will make their presence known when entering your home.

Whilst working in your home, our Support Workers will not at any time be accompanied by their partners, children, friends or pets.
All of our staff have been subject to an Enhanced Disclosure check. They will have passed a vigorous screening process which includes taking up references, completing many forms and attending interviews.

Services we are not able to provide

We have explained what we can do. There are also services that we cannot provide:
  • Lifting or moving heavy objects
  • Cleaning windows (where the use of a ladder is required)
  • Turning mattresses
  • Taking down curtains (where the use of a ladder is required)
  • Cleaning ovens
Our Support Workers will not undertake tasks that require the skills and expertise of clinical professionals. Such tasks include:
  • Toe and nail cutting
  • Ear syringing
  • Removing or replacing urinary catheters
  • Bowel evacuations
  • Bladder washouts
  • Injections involving assembling syringes, administering intravenously controlled drugs
  • Filling of oxygen cylinders
  • Lifting from the floor unaided
  • Tracheotomy care changing tubes or oral suction
  • Changing sterile dressings
  • Administering rectal/vaginal medication
  • Filling monitored dosage boxes for medication
We do not provide nursing services.

We offer a comprehensive range of services personalised to the needs of our service users. We provide a flexible responsive, caring service and strive to build long-term relationships with our Service Users and other working professionals. We know the solid foundation to success is to build quality.

Looking at the options for care funding can be a daunting and complex experience. Care and support services are means-tested, not free to everyone & some people have to pay all of the costs. There are several options for funding care. LPC undertake care from service users with local authority funding.

We have a rigorous and selective recruitment programme to help us evaluate the individual who applies to work at LPC, as well as finding out about their qualifications and skills. The right attitude and compassion for the job is vital for us in securing the right team. DBS checks and references will be obtained.

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© La Petite Concierge Ltd 2025, UK Company Registration Number: 07341636 - Website Terms & Conditions - Website Privacy Policy - Site by Linxdesign
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