choice and independence for a brighter future
Care, choice and independence for a brighter future
01952 463301
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Staff Quality Development

As a provider of care, La Petite Concierge Ltd need to ensure that the workforce is competent to undertake their roles to high standards of professionalism, respect and sensitivity. For most Support Workers, learning comes informally on-the-job using the existing expertise. This includes induction, job shadowing, coaching, mentoring, cascading learning (when one worker goes on a course and then passes the knowledge and/or skills on to other workers) the internet/books and publications or formal learning and development.

Accredited Courses which lead staff who successfully complete them receiving a qualification formally assessed and accredited by an awarding organisation e.g. a competence qualification such as NVQs in Health and Social Care or continuing professional development qualifications such as NVQ2 Award in Stroke Awareness or NVQ 3 Certificate in Dementia Care.

We do offer non-accredited courses which do not lead to a formal qualification, but which provide a certificate to staff who have successfully completed some learning, e.g. our unique in-house training courses tailor to our needs business.

Qualifications & Experience

Most of the current qualifications for working in social care are taken when the new employee is already working in their role, as frequently they have to demonstrate their knowledge and competence on the job.

After a member of staff has undergone the interview process and the relative checks i.e. DBS has been applied for and confirmation has been received and they are not on any barring list, the new Support Worker will be assigned to one of our Team Leaders or a member of staff who is comfortable to mentor new staff. The new Support Worker to be shadowed and shown all the processes on how the company is run and what every individual service user requires. The length of the shadowing sections will depend on the individual member of staff i.e. if they have had previous experience, they may not necessarily need to be shown all the processes and may just need to be introduced to Service Users.

As a provider of a Health and Social Care Service, we have a legal duty to assess the training needs of all staff new to our company. Firstly, they will be introduced to our in-house training based on the care certificate 2014. The process is a set of standards that all social Support Workers adhered by during their working daily life. It enables them to have a good up to date grounding to deliver care and can develop their knowledge and skills to further their personal development. Our in-house training sets out the actual Code of Conduct for Healthcare adult social Support Workers which is aimed at giving people who use our health and care service the confidence that they will be treated with dignity, respect and compassion at all times. The Social Care Commitment is a promise to provide people who need care and support with high quality services. La Petite Concierge Ltd have signed up to the commitment, pledging to improve the quality of the workforce.

The in-house courses are tailored to La Petite Concierge and comprises of:
  • Medication
  • Reporting & Guidelines
  • Confidentiality
  • Infection Control
  • Communication
  • Moving & Handling
  • Lone workers
  • MCA
  • On CallService
  • Safeguarding
  • Dementia
Additionally, mandatory training will also be taken by employees within the first 6 weeks, this consists of 11 courses and the chosen learning provider used is Social Care TV. Individual certificates are issued for each course, these are as follows:
  • Role of a Care Worker (only if new to the industry)
  • Health & Safety
  • Moving & Handling Theory
  • Moving & Handling Assessment
  • Fire Training
  • First Aid Awareness
  • Safeguarding Vulnerable Adults
  • Food Hygiene
  • Administration of Medication
  • Infection Control
  • Mental Capacity
  • Dementia Care
  • Pressure Care
The most common qualifications for a Support Workers job roles is an NVQ 2 and NVQ 3 in Health and Social care. If a new employee joins us and does not have these qualifications, they are then enrolled on a course to gain a recognised qualification during the first six months of their employment with La Petite Concierge Ltd.

As well as the NVQs there are a range of smaller Continuing Professional Development (CPD) qualifications in more specialist areas which Support Workers are encouraged to take especially if they show a particular interest or it becomes a requirement. The range of topics include:
  • Dementia
  • Learning disability
  • Stroke
  • End of life care
  • Mental capacity
  • Activity provision
  • Diabetes
These qualifications are delivered by an external assessor La Petite Concierge. We pride ourselves in our ability to monitor staff through training in order to:
  • Support continuous improvement and delivery of care
  • Improve recruitment and retention and provide career pathways
  • Provide Support Workers with structures that support their responsibilities for developing a competent workforce and to achieve training and qualifications requirements
  • Meet requirements for regulatory bodies
  • Improve the effectiveness, quality and relevance of learning
  • Maintain and develop skills and knowledge for Support Workers
  • Help to change practice for new roles or working in a different environment
  • Provide personal development plans which will promote lifelong learning
  • Help to meet requirements for registration and re-registration
  • Motivate Support Workers to learn, build confidence and self-esteem
  • Expand and develop new areas of competence
  • Develop the skills to reflect the Support Worker to improve their practice
The Management Team are encouraged to practice a sensitive leadership approach, by listening to and take into account the views of staff and people who use our services, and to ensure that decision making is transparent. They are encouraged to practice a learning culture as opposed to perpetuating a culture of blame where there are performance problems.

Team Leaders regularly practice individual supervision meetings, staff appraisal and personal training plans. All staff must have a clear understanding of what is expected of them in terms of effective performance. Importantly, supporting staff and address any shortfall in performance without falling into the trap of 'setting people up to fail'. Team Leaders carry out regular on the spot checks, which normally will take place at a Service Users property, these checks are designed to monitor the performance of each individual member of staff.

La Petite Concierge Ltd hold systematic strategy meetings, designed to network and swop ideas, general staff meeting are also held.

Quality & Development

La Petite Concierge Limited has adopted a systematic process of care standards, this is monitored by the Management Team.

Monitoring of visits to Service Users are conducted on a regular and irregular basis to ensure that the service continues to meet the needs of the Service User. The monitoring and mentoring of Support Workers is maintained through a process of spot-checks, individual meetings, team and peer-group meetings and Supervisions/appraisals. Standards are thereby measured, reviewed and updated regularly.

The Care Quality Commission (CQC) inspects us at least annually. The latest Inspection Report on La Petite Concierge Limited conducted by CQC is available from La Petite Concierge Limited or direct from CQCs website: HERE (see Inspection Reports). We also issue a user satisfaction survey to all Service Users annually, the results are collated and reviewed, and a summary report is compiled for La Petite Concierge Limited to act upon.


If you are interested in starting a career with us, please click the button below for more information.

We offer a comprehensive range of services personalised to the needs of our service users. We provide a flexible responsive, caring service and strive to build long-term relationships with our Service Users and other working professionals. We know the solid foundation to success is to build quality.

Looking at the options for care funding can be a daunting and complex experience. Care and support services are means-tested, not free to everyone & some people have to pay all of the costs. There are several options for funding care. LPC undertake care from service users with local authority funding.

We have a rigorous and selective recruitment programme to help us evaluate the individual who applies to work at LPC, as well as finding out about their qualifications and skills. The right attitude and compassion for the job is vital for us in securing the right team. DBS checks and references will be obtained.

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© La Petite Concierge Ltd 2025, UK Company Registration Number: 07341636 - Website Terms & Conditions - Website Privacy Policy - Site by Linxdesign
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